Poetry by Madi

This blog will be a collection of all the poems Mom and I wrote for Angel Sammy and Teddy's Thoroughly Poetic Thursday. You two Gingers have inspired us.

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Thoroughly Poetic Pictorial Thursday #35

Today we join Two  SPOILED CAT 
Angel Sammy and Teddy for their poetic pictorial poem.

Here is today's photo prompt
We thank Mom Pam for all the effort she puts into finding 
these lovely photos for us.

Memories of Stephen*
this title will be explained at the end.
by Madi and Mom

 No matter their size, be it small or tall 
Girls and boys of today
have toys galore to spark their imaginations.
Some can even be played with the on the floor.
Just when they think they need more,
they hear a slight pitter patter on door.
They run with mach speed to see who it could be.
Mother Nature has come calling!
With glee and speed
to the closet  they rush for slickers
and boots that come up the their knees.
Out into the rain they must go.
Calling their name are the puddles.
Their techie toys and space shuttles
are set aside.
This day their imaginations take hold
as they splash and dance with their
upside down friend until the day's end.

Mom here:  This picture reminded me of a young boy we knew back in 1970, when we moved into our first home as husband and wife.
After settling in, we began to meet the neighbors.  We still speak of the Mackie family.  They had 2 young children Stephanie about 7 and Stephen about 4.
Stephen's mom told us he was fascinated with water and tires. She said not to be surprised
if we saw Stephen washing tires in the parking lot. She asked it it was okay he he washed ours.
We said it was fine. Evidently he was only allowed to wash times on certain cars and he could not go past the 1st speed bump in the parking lot. The tools of Stephen's obsession water were and endless supply of rags and a squirt bottle full of water.  Stephen was quite meticulous too.  He even washed tires in the rain and wore a yellow slicker.  I often wonder what profession he chose, car washer, tire salesman or maybe a fireman.

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